all postcodes in CM14 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM14 5AA 15 0 51.612404 0.310906
CM14 5AB 9 0 51.612475 0.310057
CM14 5AD 7 0 51.613474 0.295174
CM14 5AE 15 4 51.610777 0.311315
CM14 5DD 45 0 51.61158 0.308294
CM14 5AG 34 0 51.608097 0.310413
CM14 5AH 13 0 51.606864 0.308503
CM14 5AJ 32 0 51.60881 0.308761
CM14 5AL 32 1 51.608952 0.307511
CM14 5AN 12 0 51.608517 0.309468
CM14 5AP 5 0 51.60837 0.308448
CM14 5AQ 18 0 51.60764 0.308989
CM14 5AR 12 0 51.60818 0.307848
CM14 5AS 5 0 51.608245 0.307316
CM14 5AT 9 0 51.608281 0.306566
CM14 5AU 48 1 51.608225 0.303777
CM14 5AW 46 1 51.608107 0.309765
CM14 5AY 1 1 51.625964 0.23749
CM14 5AZ 25 0 51.6084 0.302616
CM14 5BB 22 0 51.608666 0.301603